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Yahoo Messenger

App Info
App Download Version2.11.0
File Size12.79MB
About this app

Users can add any Yahoo user to their account and communicate with them using the app itself. In these conversations, apart from sending text messages, you can send pictures and videos (as long as you have the right plugin).

Some users may find it annoying to need additional plugins to send files such as pictures, but keep in mind that Yahoo Messenger takes up less than 4 megabytes of space on your device’s memory. In other words, its one of the lightest instant messaging tools out there.

Yahoo Messenger is an instant messenger app with its pros and cons. On one hand, it’s light and it flows easily; on the other, its interface is old-fashioned and not very intuitive. Another problem is that it doesn't have a large user base ... or a particularly user-friendly registration process.

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