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Google Search

App Info
App Download Version9.4 1.3.21.arm
DeveloperGoogle LLC
File Size73.69MB
App Package
Google Search is an app with for searching the internet from your Android smartphone. Using it is as easy as speaking your query into the microphone, selecting a photograph from your phone, or simply entering your query into the search bar.

Included among the benefits of Google Search are personalized results based on your location. The app also automatically detects where you are in the world and then tailor the results to find the most interesting information related to your location.

For example, if you search 'the weather' or 'interesting museums', Google Search will first show us the results that correspond to the city where you are. Of course, you can also opt out of this option if you would prefer to disregard location in favor of the normal results.

Google Search is one of those apps that no Android should be without. Everything you could ever want to search for is right at your fingertips

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