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Nonolive Go - Just Live


App Info
App Download Version6.11
File Size9.69

About This app
Flipkart is the official app of the eponymous online store – number-one in India, the second most-populous country in the world, nearly on par with China and more than triple the population of the United States.

From the app you can browse all the store's departments: men's and women's apparel, accessories, shoes, children's clothing, appliances, books, video games, movies, and much more.

Users registered on the app can activate sale alerts, follow products, keep a wish list, etc. Plus, you can choose from many different payment types, from credit card to cash-on-delivery. The best part: a return guarantee.

Flipkart is an online store that, to compare to another big name, could only be matched by Amazon. And that says a lot.

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