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Dream 11

App Info
App Download Version3.28.0
File Size17.55MB
About this app

Dream 11 is a very peculiar betting game that lets you choose your favorite sport. You can choose between soccer, cricket or basketball. your objective is to create a team that’s completely customized and earn real money with it through the games they play.

Gameplay in Dream 11 is very simple; pick your sport and start adding players to create your perfect team. While you put your team together, keep this in mind: the points that each player has scored in the last game. That way, you’ll know if a specific player is doing a good job, if he actively participates in the game and if he’ll be a good investment at the end of it all. Once you’ve got your team complete, you’ll have to go into the betting market.

Before you start betting, you have to take a look at your final team, make changes, modifications to the structure and view the scores of the last games. All this is to guarantee the highest number of earnings possible. Once you’ve got everything ready, start biding in any of the opened bets that you can find. You’ll earn more or less, depending on the points accumulated by your team players. If you’re striker scores a goal, he’ll add more points than anyone, but if one of your defense players gets a card, you’ll lose some points that could help you get more points than anyone. Your strategy is essential to win. Enjoy a different way to view sports and bets with Dream 11.

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