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Yahoo Mail

File size: 20.2MB
5.3 8.2
Package Name:
Yahoo Inc.

About this app

Yahoo! Mail is the official application from Yahoo for Android devices. It allows its users to access their inbox and check their email any time, any place, and from the comfort of their cellphone.

The application has a few extra features, such as the ability to select multiple e-mails when you want to sort them and address auto completion, which avoids you wasting any time when writing to your contacts.

As usual with this type of application, Yahoo! Mail allows you to login to several accounts simultaneously and to switch between them easily. Also, you can perform quick searches on all your folders, so you never have to spend too long searching for an email.

Yahoo! Mail is an almost essential application for regular users of the Yahoo messenger service, as it is the perfect device to keep abreast of all incoming emails. Managing your account from its interface is fast, convenient and simple.

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