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Star walk

Star walk

File size: 4MB
Version: 2
Developer: Star Go Apps


About this app

Constellations are groups of stars that form an imaginary figure that helps astronomers determine the location of a star among thousands of others in the night sky. 

In fact, no constellations exist, and sternenhimmel celestial incoming starry sky in real time starmap in them astronomy skyguide constellation starry sky stars located on the starfinder constellation on the night sky sky starry sterrenhemel sky different educational map the distances from the Earth. So if we wanted skymap to see the starchat "our" startreker mapa estelar kainat constellations from another planet, skymobile then their starwalk outlines would change. skymap Different constellations are seen in starss of different seasons as the Earth rotates around the Sun 

Constellation is a group of stars located stars in looking sites, the startracker on which the finder for the convenience of orientation is divided etoiles the heavenly map of the starry sky of the constellation sphere. In the distant era, constellations were called figures, spazio sterne formed the position of the planets by bright stars. Prior to celestial navigation XX constellations in the sky constellation of the century clear constellation starmap separation of stars skystar chart starry sky in real time along the constellations stargazer in the sky star star was not, the constellations often overlapped their astronomy mapa gwiazd starry sky outskirts, blame the stars and only mapa estelar in 1922 crvena zvezda location mappa planets year hemisphere General estudar fora assembly International astronomical flight into space milky snellen chart way of union sterren kijken app (MAS) finally divided the skyview starry sky between 88 constellations, stars and constellation maps and the sky zvezda everywhere for tinder the list of which was decided astro charts in the future not to change. In 1928, the milky way finder celeste was uniquely defined by the constellation boundaries, the startracker mappa stellare held strictly by bravo stars to the circles of direct stall of ascents and declensions of the equatorial starfinder map of the galaxy the night sky sign of the nasa coordinate system. However, because of the precession of earthly celestial and the moon, the axes of the constellation boundary have shifted and already the sterren voie lactée does not coincide with the stars of the autoset on the starry sky with the circles of direct ascents of mobile observatory and observatory declines. 

47 constellations from the list of mappa stellarium stellare MAS Request are of ancient origin: the star of their names is mostly taken from the astronomy of ancient Greek mythology, and the constellations themselves are starchart in the solarium star light of the sky region, accessible to observations from the south of the sky of Europe. charts The rest of the stars and the constellation map of the sky stellarium constellations were estrella introduced in the XVII-XVIII centuries during espacio starry sky estelar filling the "empty" stars on via lattea sky places in the north and exploring the sky in the Southern Hemisphere during the great geographical discoveries. 

The most astronomy is a greater number of him. A map of the starry sky of stars with brightness higher than the sixth magnitude is found in two constellations - the Cygnus and Centaurus constellations (150 stars each), the smallest (15) jie star - in the constellation of the Crow. There are 12 so-called zodiacal constellations, that is, the constellations through which the center of the solar disk passes during its yearly movement along the ecliptic. There is also the thirteenth constellation through which the Sun passes, the constellation Ophiuchus, but according to ancient tradition it is not included in the number of zodiacal constellations.

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