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Galaxy Apps

App Info
App Download Version6.6.01.0
DeveloperSamsung Electronic Co Ltd.
File Size19.01MB
About this app

Galaxy Apps is an app store for Android that lets you download hundreds of apps and videogames without needing a Google account. That said, you will need to have a Samsung user account in order to use this app.

The Galaxy Apps interface is similar to Google Play's interface: the search bar is located at the top of the screen with different tabs right below it. With these tabs, you can quickly filter apps, video games, exclusive offers, and wearable apps. You'll also find a ton of screenshots for each app, as well as a description written by the developer and all the specifications you'll need in order to use it.

Galaxy Apps is an interesting app store for anyone with a Samsung smartphone. Other Android users probably won't benefit from this app, since you'll need a Samsung user account in order to download any of the apps included here

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